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Critical Care


Program Description:

The Critical Care Micro-Credential offers a flexible, professional development opportunity to critical care registered nurses or registered nurses interested in working in critical care. Learners will gain advanced knowledge and specialized skills in respiratory, palliative, cardiac and critical care. 

This program is designed to help prepare registered nurses for the CNA Critical Care Nursing Certification Examination.

Micro-Course Offerings:

This course is the first part that focuses on the special needs of clients of all ages with multiple and critical health conditions. They require complex and continuous health care that is biopsychosocial, spiritual and cultural in nature. The application of the systematic approach to nursing care is critically based on evidence and a holistic and humanistic curative approach and interdisciplinary support.

This course is the second part that focuses on the special needs of clients of all ages with multiple and critical health conditions. They require complex and continuous health care that is biopsychosocial, spiritual and cultural in nature. The application of the systematic approach to nursing care is critically based on evidence and a holistic and humanistic curative approach and interdisciplinary support.

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