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Corey Laamanen

Corey Laamanen

Master Lecturer, Bharti School of Engineering & Computation
Bharti School of Engineering and Computation
Science, Engineering and Architecture

On The Web



Currently working on a wide range of projects focussed around microalgae cultivation, water treatment, microalgae harvesting, industrial waste capture, sustainable mining, and nutraceutical production.

For a complete list of projects, look at: ongen.ca

For more information, send me an email: cy_laamanen@laurentian.ca


Currently teaching:

ENGR 3436 - Reaction Engineering and?Reactor Design I

ENGR 4187 - Solid Waste Processing

ENGR 4426 - Air Pollution Control

ENGR 4435 - Chemical Engineering Design Project

ENGR4457 - Separation Processes and Unit Operations


For a list of publications, see:?http://www.ongen.ca/claamanen.html